What Industry Leaders Say About Working With Dana
“After a few sessions, I worked less and my income doubled. I did a couple more sessions, then made $3 million this year…”
“Before I worked with Dana I was programmed to work really hard for money. I also went bankrupt and lost it all. I had to work really hard to rebuild again. After a few sessions, I worked less and my income doubled. I did a couple more sessions, then made $3 million this year. If I want results in my life I work with Dana.”
– Jeff Slayter Master Trainer Worlds Hidden Masters
“I generated over $320,000 in sales.”
“Before working with Dana, I didn’t know what I was going to do with my seminar business. I had four workshops in a row lose money, and I had to seriously think about closing down the business. After working with Dana, I generated over $320,000 in sales at my 2009 Prosperity Summit, which was six times what I had made in past workshops.”
– PJ Van Hulle Real Prosperity and Listapalooza
“Dana’s Guidance and Friendship Allowed me To Accelerate Success and Optimize My Results…”
– Sean Donahoe Marketing Icon, Author and Speaker
What Dana’s Students Say…
See What Beth Says About Working With Dana
“Working with Dana for only a week, I created packages for my book coaching and consulting services, and made $10,000 with a new client”
“Before I started working with Dana, I didn’t offer packages, and didn’t know how to put my offerings together in a package that made sense to my business. But after working with Dana for only a week, I created packages for my book coaching and consulting services, and made $10,000 with a new client. Working with Dana helped me be prepared and confident about asking for more than I’d ever asked for before. Thanks so much Dana!”
– Beth Barany Writing and Publishing Coach
“Before working with Dana, I was struggling to hit my goals in terms of new clients and monthly income. After a few sessions with Dana, my business increased by 120%, and my monthly income tripled. I can’t thank her enough.”
– Bill Rossitto Financial and Retirement Services
See What Jasmine Says About Working With Dana

“I love the shifts I’ve gone through due to the family entanglement workshops with Dana. My business have grown from a five figure to a six figure business. Also, I am more at ease with myself, and have learn’t to accept all of me.”
“Before working with Dana, I was having tremendous issues around my finances. After one of my family entanglement workshops, the next day, the phone started ringing off the hook. I went from no money and difficulty finding a job to making 10K in one month. I am so eternally grateful for your work, Dana!”
– N. N. Financial Coach

After working with Dana for only a short time, I’m more relaxed, present and spontaneous, and people are attracted to working with me. A recent referral from a casual networking event effortlessly resulted in selling a $25,000 coaching package… and at 61, my social life is better than ever before!”

“After working with Dana, something in me shifted. Both employees and clients are having a more positive experience at camp. I increased monthly sales by 24% in one weekend, and brought in long term partnerships with several new clients, ensuring revenue for the company. This will allow me to do more of what I love; leadership and team-building programs, which are my way of changing my world for the better, one person at a time!”
“Since working with Dana, I left my previous dead-end job which I held for 9 years and found another opportunity with more room for advancement, better benefits and a increase in salary. Now I feel more confident and in control of my future.”
– Lingyu Su Financial Services
“Before my working with Dana, I was always putting in long hours to grow my business and constantly thinking about how to generate marketing for new clients, new workshops, etc. There was always concern (and sometimes anxiety) about making enough money.
After just one weekend workshop, I found that I had a newfound freedom in my relationship to money, and therefore my attitude towards growing my writing coaching business. Suddenly, new leads for clients and offers to refer my services just showed up. One friend posted an ad within her company’s internal email network and I received 4 phone calls/emails within 2
4 hours. Two of the calls turned into actual students. This is just one example of ease! I am also in the process of collaborating with other coaches on joint writing workshops. Thank you, Dana, for bringing these results to my life!
“Dana’s poise and grace hallmark her special way of encouraging people to change their habits and their outlook. She uses a lot of metaphors and short stories to illustrate her points. Her teaching style is so inclusive, and is so r
espectful of people’s current ability. The information was explained and demonstrated very well, so her workshops are extremely effective. I was able to take the tools and apply them at home right away, and I got results. I could see how much a small change could affect a big outcome over time. Through these small changes, I became much more self aware. I recommend Dana Garrison highly to anyone who wants consistent, positive results. ”
– Audrey Fairchild, Ph.D. Teacher
“Before I worked with Dana, I didn’t have a system for getting new clients, nor keeping clients for more than one session. This kept me constantly needing to find new clients and not having enough time to grow my business, create new programs, have more ease, and spend quality time with my son and my loved ones After working with Dana for only one session, I walked away with a whole new understanding of how my business could grow, and she helped me set it all up. Magically, before my eyes, I had brand new packages, brand new programs, and brand new pricing! My business is so much easier now, and I can give so much more of my gifts. I am now able to help my clients so much more fully while also helping myself have a much easier time growing my business. It’s a win/win all around. Thank you Dana”
– Sharu Vedic Astrologer, and Ayurvedic and Kundalini Specialist

“Before I worked with Dana I had 1 client in my private practice. I had others that would purchase my services one by one here and there. I was unsure how to package my private sessions and recruit new clients. I also have a natural skin care product that I launched about 3 years ago sales were only trickling in. I was also considering bankruptcy when I began to work with Dana.
After working with Dana I have a lot of clients now, and they all stay with me for 6 months or more. I now have a system that works for recruiting new clients. I have successfully packaged my offers in a way that has people saying yes. I now also have a monthly residual income being generated from my skincare business! She also has saved me over $10,000 for a year by helping me to design and implement a program that provides me with 20 hours of administrative support a week and costs no money. I am no longer considering bankruptcy! She is the first business coach that ever put money in my pocket!!!!”
Check out what Asara has to say here…
Since that session, sales for my skin cream began to flow more consistently and regularly. Wellness clients appeared out of no where. My cash flow increased. It was particularly noticeable because for 3 months prior to this the cash flow was so low I did not have enough to meet my financial necessities. After the session there was a dramatic change. I received unexpected money from unexpected places, my sales increased and wellness clients showed up without marketing for them. I have met my financial necessities and I have been free of worry. Holiday sales were the best ever. I did do some work to make this happen, but the sales were more than expected and with a lot less effort. The New Year is here and the flow continuing. I know that session made a huge difference.”
– Asara Tsehai on Family Entanglement Work and Childhood ReImprinting Work
“I love the movement I got from the Family Entanglement Work weekend. I felt a really profound shift that I haven’t seen happen so quickly in other work. Thank you Dana.”
– Nicole Edwards
“My experience with The Ultimate Disentanglement Experience was totally new. It was such a safe place to deal with the skeletons in my family system – even things I didn’t know anything about. Thank you so much for leading so excellently in this module of transformational change work.”
– Karis Tang Relationship Coach
“I can’t recommend Dana and her Family Entanglement work enough. I have had major breakthroughs with my health and my finances. I had pain from being hit my a car and even with lots of physical therapy, it still lingered. After working with Dana, it just disappeared. I maybe feel pain only 1-2 times a year there if I sleep wrong. And my business and income just grew. It’s as if the road blocks simply disappeared.”
– Shayla Mihaly
“I am so enjoying my work with Dana. She clearly understands the conscious and unconscious minds. I have reaped substantial benefits from our work together. I feel more relaxed, and my business has improved. Life is better! Dana has a wonderful demeanor that is inclusive and validating. I always feel comfortable sharing my thoughts, knowing Dana will respond with an effective mix of encouragement and gentle challenges.”
– Lynda McDaniels
“Thank you for all the wonderful work that continues to happen in Freedom Tribe! It has been life changing and miraculous and am deeply grateful to have had this group throughout a time of such major personal (and planetary) transformation! I wanted to write you this note of deep gratitude and thank you for the work you are doing in the world.”
– Jana Carrey
Case Studies
Dire Straits
A man contacted me one day who was really in a dire situation. He had fallen into a depression and hadn’t worked for 3 years. He was over $100,000 in debt, and his credit cards were maxed out. His home was about to foreclose. He no longer had any of the businesses he once owned. He felt stuck and didn’t know what to do.
I began to meet with him for one-on-one sessions. Together, we laid out some goals that he wanted, which included keeping his home, getting out of debt, and starting another business. He also wanted to set a larger goal of making $1 million in the next two years. I coached and mentored him on business, and worked on both his limiting beliefs and childhood imprints and his family entanglements. We also worked on organization, time management, prioritizing, creating systems, accountability structures, sales and marketing, speaking to venture capitalists, and communication skills. We worked on both the internal blocks and personal psychology and the real world skills that he needed to take it to the next level.
As a result of working with me, he started a company with a business partner and within a year and a half it was worth $4 million dollars. He kept his home and took care of the credit card debt. His depression lifted and he came to me with tears of joy one session, saying that he couldn’t believe how happy he had become. He felt ecstatic about how his life had transformed, how he had grown as a man, and how his business was thriving.
Network Marketing Woes
I worked with a woman who works in a network marketing business. She was struggling to get more customers and more income.
In her Discovery Session I found that she was entangled with her father who struggled with money and business throughout his life. In one of her sessions with me, she chose to work on this.
Within the next week, her phone began ringing off the hook with people who wanted to sign up with her, and with people who wanted to be a business builder in her business…and she didn’t do anything different. She didn’t do any marketing, or make any calls or write any emails. When we lifted the unconscious block, she finally had permission for customers to come flooding in, and they did.
One reason for this is that other people can pick up on the unconscious messages we emit.
So if your unconscious is sending out a “Stay Away” order, people wont know why, they just wont feel like working with you for one reason or another. Or they will say it is because of money or time, or some other conscious mind guess at an explanation.
A Dim Life
I worked with a woman who was a bit shy and meek. She had hardly had any customers in her business for years. She had trouble speaking in front of groups, leading groups, and even holding her ground when conflict arose.
She would crumble if someone around her got angry, and she would stop speaking her truth and give in too much. Her voice was often quite quiet and her moods were usually down, and even a bit depressed.
She had tried “all the different programs out there” she said…workshop after workshop, program after program, and none seemed to work.
When she came to me, she was almost afraid to try – she didn’t want to be disappointed again.
When we started working together and we looked at her family history, we foundImprints and Entanglements galore, which were of course holding her back in so many ways.
The patterns that prevented her from being able to be visible, to lead, to speak in front of groups or to speak her truth in the face of conflict…so much of this was tied to her mom – and the Imprints and Entanglements she picked up from her mom.
As she began to resolve her Entanglements and Imprints, she did a 180.
People started telling her that they were impressed with how she was leading some of the groups she was involved in. She actually began not only speaking louder but actually with power and positive energy.
She was laughing, showing up, speaking her truth in the face of conflict and holding her own. Indeed she was shining. She even had people calling up out of the blue wanting to work with her.
All the programs and courses out there that are either instructional or even therapeutic are generally helpful to the conscious mind. They leave out the most important place where our blocks actually hide – our unconscious patterns. The secret is knowing where the root causes hide, then addressing them.
Entrepreneur and Small Business Institute – West Coast, East Coast, and Women’s Chapters
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